What is CMA?
CMA is a Twelve Step Fellowship for those seeking recovery from addiction to crystal meth. There are no dues or fees for membership.
24-Hour CMA Helpline 855 METH FREE
The goal of Crystal Meth Anonymous is to help crystal meth addicts lead a life free of active addiction.
Meetings are held daily to share how others have stayed sober and to find support in our efforts to cope with fear, loneliness, grief or other emotions that might overwhelm us from time to time. After most meetings, we often go out as a group for dinner or coffee.
About CMA Philly
Am I an Addict?
Only you can answer that question. For many of us, the answer was clear. We could not control our drug use. Our lives had become unmanageable.
Have you tried to stop using crystal meth and found that you couldn’t? Do you find that you can’t control your use once you start?
If so, you may be suffering from the disease of addiction. The fellowship of Crystal Meth Anonymous can help.
All Are Welcome.
CMA is an inclusive fellowship open to anyone. The only requirement for membership in CMA is a desire to stop using crystal meth and all other mind altering substances. Basically, you’re a member of CMA if and when you say so. It’s that simple.
There are no dues or fees for CMA membership. Typically, each CMA meeting will pass a collection basket to cover expenses such as rent, literature, etc. All members are free to contribute as much or as little as they wish.
Can I Get Better?
As we often say at the end of our meetings, “it works if you work it, so work it because you’re worth it.” There is a solution and you are not alone. Many of us faced a dark path but have turned our lives around and have bright futures.
To do so, we place our sobriety before all else and remain open to a spiritual life. If you want what we have, and are willing to go to any lengths to get it, then you are in the right place. We encourage you to stay close to the CMA fellowship and experience recovery with us.